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Where Can I Get a No Lacteos Cheese

The 9 Cheeses Lowest In Lactose

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If you consider yourself in a serious relationship with dairy, you're definitely not alone. And if you find your love affair with cheese, in particular, is unrequited, you're also in good company. It turns out about 65% of the world's population is lactose intolerant, meaning milk-based treats like yogurt, ice cream, and yes, cheese, can produce an array of undesirable digestive symptoms. Luckily for some, cheeses lower in lactose may be the key to happy, pain-free snacking.

What is lactose intolerance?

"Lactose intolerance is the inability to properly digest lactose, which is the sugar found in milk and milk products," says registered dietitian Danielle Fineberg, M.S., R.D. "It's caused by a lack of the enzyme needed to digest lactose and can result in gas, bloating, or diarrhea after consuming dairy."

According to nutrition consultant and natural chef, Karyn Forsyth Duggan, M.S., BBS, not only is lactose intolerance "no fun!" but "it's estimated that up to 75% of the world's population have and/or will develop hypolactasia," a specific term for lactose intolerance that indicates a deficiency of the enzyme lactase in the intestines. "Adverse reactions to foods encompass both food allergies and food intolerances," she adds. "Lactose intolerance doesn't actually involve the immune system; instead it's the result of the body's inability to digest/absorb/metabolize a food or a component of the food."

Megan Meyer, Ph.D., director, science communication, at the International Food Information Council, agrees, noting that unlike a true food allergy, which triggers an immune system response, lactose intolerance "is a condition that takes place in our digestive system and does not involve our immune system. A lactose intolerance occurs when the body has difficulty breaking down lactose, a sugar found in dairy."

What affects the amount of lactose in cheese?

"Most cheeses are naturally lactose-free or contain very low levels of lactose since the cheese-making process involves separating milk into whey and curds," Meyer says. "Most of the lactose is found in whey, which is removed, and cheese is made from curd. Lactose levels are also affected by fermentation and time. Any remaining lactose is transformed into lactic acid via fermentation. The longer a cheese is aged (or ferments), the less lactose it will have."

Fineberg adds that the way a cheese is processed and the type of milk used can affect the lactose content in the cheese. "Cheese has much lower lactose levels than other dairy products because much of the lactose is lost in the whey (the liquid portion that forms during cheese-making)," she says. "Aging cheese can further reduce the lactose levels because during the fermentation process, bacteria turns the lactose to lactic acid. Additionally, in terms of the type of milk used, goat's milk has slightly lower levels of lactose than cow's milk."

Which cheeses are lowest in lactose?

According to Meyer, cheese lovers may be able to rejoice with caution—it turns out most cheeses, particularly the hard ones, are relatively low in lactose. "Also, this study shows that most people with lactose intolerance can tolerate 12 to 15 grams of lactose," she says. "For reference, a cup of milk has about 12 grams of lactose, while cheddar cheese has <0.1g/ounce."

"Hard, aged cheese tends to be lowest in lactose—think Parmesan and aged cheddar," Fineberg says. "Goat cheese also typically sits well with my lactose-intolerant clients. Overall, though, since cheese is much lower in lactose than say a glass of milk, small amounts of any kind are typically tolerated well. That being said, if you're still having issues, it could be helpful to look at the serving size of cheese you're consuming or investigate if perhaps there is something else to blame for the digestive distress."

If you want to be particularly careful about your lactose consumption, here's a handy guide to some of the most popular low-lactose cheese options:


There are a variety of cheddar cheeses, including mild, sharp, extra sharp, premium, and more, and the biggest difference among them is the amount of aging involved. While mild cheddar is aged two to three months, premium is aged anywhere between two to five years. Mild cheddar is about 0.0 to 2.1% lactose, while older cheddar contains trace amounts to 2.1%.


This hard Italian cheese (which goes by Parmesan and Parmigiano-Reggiano if it is produced in that specific province of Italy) is aged about 12 to 36 months. Grated Parmesan contains 2.9 to 3.7% lactose, and hard Parmesan contains 0.0 to 3.2%.


Many types of cheese fall under the category of "Swiss." While the true Swiss varieties include Emmenthaler and Gruyère, many of the Swiss cheeses found in stores are produced in the United States and emulate the holey, semihard originals. Swiss cheese contains 0.0 to 3.4% lactose, and pasteurized, processed Swiss contains 0.0 to 2.1%.


This soft, buttery creamy French cheese is traditionally made of cow's milk but can also be made from goat's milk. Depending on the type of milk used, Brie contains 0.0 to 2.0% lactose.


Fresh cheeses like feta are significantly higher in lactose than some of the hard cheeses. It may take some experimentation to figure out whether or not you can tolerate them, so be aware that feta contains approximately 4.1% lactose.


Similar to Brie, Camembert is a creamy, soft French cheese that has a slightly runny interior and is made from cow's milk. It contains anywhere from 0.0 to 1.8% lactose.


This semihard Dutch cheese is one of the most popular in the world and contains 0.0 to 2.2% lactose.


It's not for everyone, but those who like blue cheese tend to love it. It's made from the cultures of the mold Penicillium and definitely carries a distinct smell. It contains 0.0 to 2.5% lactose.


This semihard Italian cheese is made from cow's milk and has a mild, smoky flavor. It contains 0.0 to 2.1% lactose.

Bottom line:

Being lactose intolerant doesn't necessarily have to mean giving up all cheeses, but the rule of thumb is this: The harder, more aged the cheese, the less lactose it likely contains. That said, Duggan says your best bet is to work with a professional nutritionist to figure out which foods are best for you.

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Where Can I Get a No Lacteos Cheese
